Hi peeps..this entry saja je nak mengimbau kenangan on the day both of us entered a contract to marry >:)
21st December 2008 was the day...
p/s: baju kurung yang saya pakai tu dah berumur lebih dari 50 tahun, i tell u!!! and it's purely made from songket..it belongs to my late grandma (Arwah Hjh Rahmah Ismail..AlFatihah)..itu adalah baju kahwen my late grandma, yang berpotongan baju kurung asli Johore..since saya boleh pakai, saya pakai lah on my e-day..rasa mcm tradisional gilerrrr!!!
It's 3 weeks more to go people! THREE WEEKSSS!!! don't you just feel like screaming? but I do! arghhhh...but i don't feel like doing much. Don't feel like doing anything AT ALL...in 3 weeks time, i will be a wife to someone (Insya Allah), but thinking about the preparations towards it give me such a headache. I can't wait to get it over and done with. But i can't get off my ass and make all the necessary wedding preparations. I am just too lazy. Yes, I AM LAZY. ZZzzzz
*Please pray for me.
Hello peeps! my goodness..it's been soooooooo long since i've shared anything here with u all (itu pun if there's a reader lah)...So much has happened and so many dramas...my wedding preparation is still in progress and almost done (hopefully)..work has been horrendous..my grounds of judgment are yet to be done...i'm trying so hard to get everything settled by end of this month..that's my target..InsyaAllah, kena yakin boleh! (that's what my fiance always say to me..klu yakin, kita mesti boleh dpt..that is what we call Law of Attractions..katenya..betul ke tak, wallahualam)..
ok let's talk about my wedding preparations..why giving me 'that' look? kenapa? bosan? that is the purpose this blog is created, remember? hihihi
well, last week i was sooooo exhilarated! why? because my wedding dress yang dok tunggu2 dah siapppp!! the dress is sooooooooo MALATOP nyahhh! hihhi ni yg tak sabar nak pakai ni..almaklumlah, a bit 'jakun' sbb tak pernah pakai dress yg da bomb before this..hihihi my fiance punya baju lagi MEMBARA! hahaha so nantikan kemunculan KAMI!! sapa nak tengok pengantin HOTTT jemputlah ke wedding reception kami on 17/7/2010 ni..HUHUHUH kad2 dlm proses pengeposan...
Our rumah pas kawen pun almost complete...'complete' dlm erti kata rumah org br kawen, yg basic2 je...yg lain2 tu, insyaAllah, boleh beli sikit2 after kawen..bersyukur lah dgn apa yg ada..we all pun dah 'broke' ni...terpaksa menggunakan ringgit2 yang ada sehingga ke titisan terakhir..hihihih nak kawen mmg guna banyakkkkkkkkkk duit...dr sekecil2 benda sampai lah sebesar2 benda, semua guna duit..duit tu dah mcm air paip..mengalir dgn laju..mengalir keluar ye, bkn mengalir masuk..hopefully, pas kawen ni, duit akan mengalir masuk dgn lajunya tanpa henti2..InsyaAllah..semoga kami berdua mendapat kesenangan dan kebahagiaan hidup sbg suami isteri yang soleh dan solehah didunia serta akhirat..aminnnn
Bila dah dekat ni, mcm2 benda nak kena settlekan...mcm2 nak kena ingat...kadang2 tgh2 tido tetibe teringat ada somethign yg tak buat lagi, tp apakan daya, bile time tido baru nak ingat, makanya, esok je lah buat (tu pun klu tak lupa semula) huhuhu waaaa stressed kan nak kawen ni? now i know...but still, i enjoy every moment of it..once in a lifetime kan..insyaAllah..
My post kali ni agak 'tahapeape'..whatever came into my mind, i just type it..no specific topics yg i nak share dgn u all..biaselah, nak dekat2 ni, agak 'jiwa kacau' and 'mental' sikit...might turn myself into a BRIDEZILLA huhuhu hopefully readers faham, tak faham pun buat2 faham yer..selagi i tak kawen, the hormone akan unstable..huhuhu so sila sabar.
c ya!!
Hola peeps..at the moment, both of us (zali & me) are busy with our own 'kerja-kerja di tempat kerja'. We only can meet up and sit down together to settle our wedding's stuffs on weekends. Too many things to settle within a very short time. Rumah pun tak habis cat lagi. Furnitures tak habis beli lagi. Barang-barang kawen pun tak habis cari lagi. My grounds of judgment pun tak habis buat lagi, dah lah due date is just around the corner...arghhhhhh let's screammmmmm!!!! Wah panic dah ni. Now, we all sedang berusaha keras men'settle' kan everything. Phewww...so marilah kita start countdown..huhuhu c ya!
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