Hola peopleee!!

Well, my favourite color mulanya is brown..and dari dulu plan, if i want to get married, my theme color mesti BROWN. That was a few years back. But as the time goes on, ramai pulak org yg pilih BROWN as their theme color during their wedding. So mcm fikir, 'alahhhh..diorg ni tiruuuuu'..tp apahal lah pulak kan, dah sah2 lah diorg tu kawen awal dr saya kan..so tiru2 ni, no such thing..hihihi

pastu pikir, hermm nak kaler apa lagi yer, hijau, purple, biru ni dah common sgt..mcm my 1st sister dulu, her theme color were apple green + off white and my 2nd sister pulak lavender purple + apple green..pernah jugak terfikir nak kekal kan apple green tu and since i suka brown, why not my theme color brown+apple green..tp, dah mcm pokok lah pulak..hihih

pikir punya pikir, finally, i've decided to choose the combination of White,Black and Red..and to me each colors brings its own meaning..WHITE represent my fiance (Muhd Ghazali), RED represents our love (hihihi geli je) and BLACK is me..huhuhu

My fiance is WHITE sbb, since his career memerlukan dia pakai lab/white coat all the time (unless he is no longer a doctor), so dia Encik Putih lah..and since my career pulak needs me to wear BLACK blazer (unless im no longer a legal officer), so saya jd Cik Hitam..hihihihi Ada ke macam tu? peduli apa kan..janji HAPPYYYY!!! So, officially, our theme color for our wedding will be WHITE RED BLACK!!

To da loooo...


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