Hi people..

Look at the picture posted above..isn't that sweeeeeeet? Since i am yet to update on my wedding preparations, let's discuss on something more serious and academics (cewahhh)..The responsibilities after marriage..If we ask g2b, what is their responsibilities as a husband? The answer would be, menyediakan nafkah zahir dan batin. Then we ask further, what do they mean by nafkah zahir? Jawapan yang cukup cemerlang akan diberikan seperti, menyediakan makan, minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal. What about nafkah batin? what is that? part ni confirm malu nak jwb!! sebab apa? sbb confirm in their mind they only think about SEX!! That is the only answer thay inherited dari tah sapa2 since time of immemorial..From my point of view, if that is the only answer they have, please think again to get married or, pi lah menuntut ilmu yg sepatutnya cukup2, dah lulus dgn cemerlang baru kawen..To me, nafkah batin is not everything about SEX and SEX is not solely nafkah batin..SEX is only a quarter from nafkah batin..maksud nafkah batin ni sepatutnya lebih luas..Jadi jawapan sex adalah nafkah batin merupakan jawapan yang tidak lengkap, it has to be elaborated further. Perkataan batin lebih kepada konsep kejiwaan atau rohani..we can say, jiwa atau rohani seseorang isteri itu perlulah dididik dengan ketakwaan, keimanan supaya sentiasa ke arah kebaikan..barulah rumah tangga harmoni kerana foundation agama kuat, InshaAllah..

Tp, who me to talk about Tanggungjawab kan..sekadar nak share pendapat je, just my 2cents opinion..I am nobody and nobody is perfect..my post ni actually agak berat sebelah sbb only discussed about husband responsibilities je..what about tanggungjawab isteri pulak? huhuhu will try to post on that issue later sbb takde idea nak 'menggoreng' dah...hihih sungguh bias yet mendiskriminasi 'endangered species (LELAKI) post ku ini..>;p

to da loo...


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