Hi peeps..this entry saja je nak mengimbau kenangan on the day both of us entered a contract to marry >:)
21st December 2008 was the day...

p/s: baju kurung yang saya pakai tu dah berumur lebih dari 50 tahun, i tell u!!! and it's purely made from songket..it belongs to my late grandma (Arwah Hjh Rahmah Ismail..AlFatihah)..itu adalah baju kahwen my late grandma, yang berpotongan baju kurung asli Johore..since saya boleh pakai, saya pakai lah on my e-day..rasa mcm tradisional gilerrrr!!!
It's 3 weeks more to go people! THREE WEEKSSS!!! don't you just feel like screaming? but I do! arghhhh...but i don't feel like doing much. Don't feel like doing anything AT ALL...in 3 weeks time, i will be a wife to someone (Insya Allah), but thinking about the preparations towards it give me such a headache. I can't wait to get it over and done with. But i can't get off my ass and make all the necessary wedding preparations. I am just too lazy. Yes, I AM LAZY. ZZzzzz

*Please pray for me.
Hello peeps! my goodness..it's been soooooooo long since i've shared anything here with u all (itu pun if there's a reader lah)...So much has happened and so many dramas...my wedding preparation is still in progress and almost done (hopefully)..work has been horrendous..my grounds of judgment are yet to be done...i'm trying so hard to get everything settled by end of this month..that's my target..InsyaAllah, kena yakin boleh! (that's what my fiance always say to me..klu yakin, kita mesti boleh dpt..that is what we call Law of Attractions..katenya..betul ke tak, wallahualam)..

ok let's talk about my wedding preparations..why giving me 'that' look? kenapa? bosan? that is the purpose this blog is created, remember? hihihi

well, last week i was sooooo exhilarated! why? because my wedding dress yang dok tunggu2 dah siapppp!! the dress is sooooooooo MALATOP nyahhh! hihhi ni yg tak sabar nak pakai ni..almaklumlah, a bit 'jakun' sbb tak pernah pakai dress yg da bomb before this..hihihi my fiance punya baju lagi MEMBARA! hahaha so nantikan kemunculan KAMI!! sapa nak tengok pengantin HOTTT jemputlah ke wedding reception kami on 17/7/2010 ni..HUHUHUH kad2 dlm proses pengeposan...

Our rumah pas kawen pun almost complete...'complete' dlm erti kata rumah org br kawen, yg basic2 je...yg lain2 tu, insyaAllah, boleh beli sikit2 after kawen..bersyukur lah dgn apa yg ada..we all pun dah 'broke' ni...terpaksa menggunakan ringgit2 yang ada sehingga ke titisan terakhir..hihihih nak kawen mmg guna banyakkkkkkkkkk duit...dr sekecil2 benda sampai lah sebesar2 benda, semua guna duit..duit tu dah mcm air paip..mengalir dgn laju..mengalir keluar ye, bkn mengalir masuk..hopefully, pas kawen ni, duit akan mengalir masuk dgn lajunya tanpa henti2..InsyaAllah..semoga kami berdua mendapat kesenangan dan kebahagiaan hidup sbg suami isteri yang soleh dan solehah didunia serta akhirat..aminnnn

Bila dah dekat ni, mcm2 benda nak kena settlekan...mcm2 nak kena ingat...kadang2 tgh2 tido tetibe teringat ada somethign yg tak buat lagi, tp apakan daya, bile time tido baru nak ingat, makanya, esok je lah buat (tu pun klu tak lupa semula) huhuhu waaaa stressed kan nak kawen ni? now i know...but still, i enjoy every moment of it..once in a lifetime kan..insyaAllah..

My post kali ni agak 'tahapeape'..whatever came into my mind, i just type it..no specific topics yg i nak share dgn u all..biaselah, nak dekat2 ni, agak 'jiwa kacau' and 'mental' sikit...might turn myself into a BRIDEZILLA huhuhu hopefully readers faham, tak faham pun buat2 faham yer..selagi i tak kawen, the hormone akan unstable..huhuhu so sila sabar.

c ya!!

Hola peeps..at the moment, both of us (zali & me) are busy with our own 'kerja-kerja di tempat kerja'. We only can meet up and sit down together to settle our wedding's stuffs on weekends. Too many things to settle within a very short time. Rumah pun tak habis cat lagi. Furnitures tak habis beli lagi. Barang-barang kawen pun tak habis cari lagi. My grounds of judgment pun tak habis buat lagi, dah lah due date is just around the corner...arghhhhhh let's screammmmmm!!!! Wah panic dah ni. Now, we all sedang berusaha keras men'settle' kan everything. Phewww...so marilah kita start countdown..huhuhu c ya!
Psst psst..hihih kononnya tadi cakap nak sambung buat grounds of judgment, but suddenly teringat yg my baju nikah dah siap..so my tangan ni gatalllll sgt nak post gmbr baju tu dkt blog..hihihihi apa salahnya kan..hihihi meh sini tgk...

Ta daaaaaaaaa...

heheh cukuplah kan..takkan nk tunjuk semua, nnt no element of surprise pulak..so teaser pic pun jadilah, dah tajuk post pun mcm tu..hihhi
Tapi kan, zali's baju melayu for nikah kaler dia agak contra giler dari my dress ni..mine is purely grey but zali's more to bluish grey..waaaaa..so a bit 'lari'..tu lah, lain kali bile nak beli kain kena bukak mata besar2..kan dah contra..nak wat caner, both baju dah siap pun..so pakai je lah..konon2 mcm trendsetter lah, pakai baju nikah kaler tak matching (manalah tau pasni jd trend and ade follower)..baru STYLEEEE..hihihi (ayat sedapkan hati)...huhuhu

Ta Ta all...

Let's list down what have been done and what have NOT been done...in less than 2 months more to go..let's SCREAMMMM arghhhhhhhh!!!

Daftar Kawen : both of us already got our Kebenaran Untuk Bernikah!! yipeee..Alhamdulillah..pendek kata, we all boleh nikah anytime and anywhere we like!! hahahah *kidding*
Wedding bands : settled since time of immemorial..hihihi lama dah beli..

Wedding Favors : take it as Settled..(tqvm Mama Comel)
Photographer : confirmed Arif (full payment have been made on 28/3/2010)

Wedding dresses : wedding dress for nikah dah ambil dah from Keyra Mansor on 20th May last week, and my wedding dress for reception according to RR, by end of this month boleh ambil since nothing to be altered..everything just fine..yipeee!!
Accessories : later2 lah..

Dais, deco and hand bouquets for nikah and reception : Diyana Shukor (deposit paid) and she will come to fix in the dais on 15th July and Rinssuzanna.com on the night before reception..
Barang hantaran : incomplete!!! on the way...still mencari for my part je..
Guest List : in progress..
Catering : papa took care of it (booked!!) and settled (i guess)

Bridesmaid for reception : Sabrina my cousin, kain dah bagi..(TQVM dear)
Theme Color : White red black
Wedding songs : dah 'burnt'..cuma kena burn in MP3 format pulak.. just in case..
Invitation cards : Already booked and approved the art work..supposedly on 22 May boleh collect, but happen to be, someone's sabotaged the said printing company (or sabotage my wedding ke?), so need to re-print the inlay again..kena sabar..

Dewan for reception : booked and settled! Dewan Banquet MPDRMKL
Make up artist : Ian Sham (deposit already paid)

Wedding Cake : Amy's friend..two-tier cake with cupcakes..
Henna : later2 lah..
Barang2 nak hias hantaran : DIY..mama dah tolong belikan sikit2..again, TQVM mama comel..>;)
Songkok, Butang Baju Melayu and Sampin for Zali : need to remind zali for the songkok je, the rest his mum will take care of it..
Guest book for reception - ordered from Sweet Design..(deposit paid on 12/4/2010)

wedding slides - zali's friend willingly to do it for us..alhamdulillah..TQVM whoever u are..
wedding dress for reception on 18th July (zali's side) + Make up - already booked from Nilam Sari Bridal..this was done last minute..thank god i managed to find one..a very affordable package which includes both wedding outfits for Bridegroom, accessories and make up..

Imam jurunikah - to remind papa to call Dr.Zainal Aini (if i'm not mistaken) to inform him the date..

waaa what else? what else? my brain sudah tepu..can't think much..ok, need to continue doing my grounds of judgment..ta ta all!
Huhu..for 1897 times, again..i didn't update my blog for quite some time and leave it abandoned..the same reason given, I've been soooooooooo busy lately with my office works..almaklumlah, i've been absorbed permanently in service..hihi Alhamdulillah..org ckp, rezeki kawen..semoga Allah melimpahkan rezeki yang halal dan berterusan kepada kami...Aminnn..tick tock tick tock, almost 2 months left until our Nikah day..hermmm, so far everything is almost settled, our wedding outfits on 18th July pun dah booked..just a very simple one yet affordable, since last minute preparation and budget pun dah byk lari here and there..huhu zali's legal document untuk kebenaran nikah pun dah ready, cuma saya je baru nak siapkan esok..hopefully, segala urusan dipermudahkan dan dilancarkan..Aminnn...deposit rumah pun dah byr, insyaAllah, 1st June nnt masuk rumah baru..skrg tgh nak fikir pasal cat n furnishing our home sweet home..haihhhh...selagi tak lepas majlis, selagi tu lah my brain keep on thinking, both left and right hemisphere have to work and function!! ayoyoo...lagi nak dekat, lagi menggunung kerja ofis kena siapkan..KPI kena achieved, pre-2008 cases have to make sure disposed by end of this year, grounds of judgment tak boleh pending etc etc..can i handled all the burdens once i'm married? huh..we'll see..boleh ke tak boleh, redah je lahhh..wish me luck people!! >;)
hi people..it seems like i havent update my blog for quite sometime, been very busy lately with my office work as well as my wedding preparation..sooo many things came up beyond my control..besides, internet broadband pun agak mcm 'BERUKBAND' yg menyakitkan hati je..so, that is why, my blog agak mcm 'abandoned' blog..

Well, my wedding preparation so far Alhamdulillah, masih 'ongoing'..and at the moment, zali and me busy mencari rumah since we decided to 'belajar berdikari' lepas kahwin (cewahhh..berdikari lah sangatttt)...zali n me jugak kena survey n sewa baju pengantin lagi since last minute zali's parent decided nak buat our wedding reception for zali's side on the 18th of July sbb tak nak menyusahkan their relatives who have to come all the way from Terengganu byk kali..so kenalah cari baju mase his reception nnt sbb before this we all bajet zali's reception will be after raya during school holiday..tp takpe, buat cepat pun bagus jugak, sekali jalan je..hopefully, before end of this month, we manage to find the affordable one..

Bila dapat rumah nnt, nak fikir pasal furnishing the house pulak..waaaa byknya tanggungjawabbbb and the most important is banyaknya DUIT nak pakaiiii!!! huhuhu Semoga Allah memudahkan urusan kami berdua sebelum and selepas kawen dan semoga kami berdua dimurahkan rezeki yang halal dan ditetapkan iman serta dipertingkatkan tahap kesabaran kami setiap kali menghadapi dugaan hidup..AMIN

to da loo..
Let's list down what have been done and what have NOT been done...in red semua belum settle lagi..byknya merahhhh!!! waaaaa

Kursus Kawen : done! (Zura's Akademik)
Daftar Kawen : May nnt baru 'bergerak'..plan to take leave on 20 and 21 May...

Wedding bands : settled

Wedding Favors : already ordered and some dah beli

Photographer : confirmed Arif (full payment have been made on 28/3/2010)

Wedding dresses : for reception 15 May fitting and baju nikah almost done and the selendang for nikah dlm proses..

Accessories : tak fikir and tak cari lagi

Dais, deco and hand bouquets for nikah and reception : Diyana Shukor (deposit paid) and Rinssuzanna.com

Barang hantaran : incomplete!!! on the way...still mencari..

HIV Test : settled!

Guest List : in progress..

Catering : papa took care of it (booked!!)

Bridesmaid for reception : Sabrina my cousin, kain dah bagi..(TQVM dear)

Theme Color : White red black

Wedding songs : kena burn semula..to remind zali...

Invitation cards : Already booked and approved the art work (kadkahwinku.com- 22/5/2010 can collect)..

Dewan for reception : already booked according to papa..

Make up artist : Ian Sham (deposit already paid)

Wedding Cake : inform zali to ask his friend sha..(to remind him again and again)

Henna : June baru cari..just a simple one..

Barang2 nak hias hantaran : tak beli lagi, June blh start cari..a week before nikah boleh buat..DIY

Songkok, Butang Baju Melayu and Sampin for Zali : to remind Zali!!

Guest book for reception - ordered from Sweet Design..(deposit paid on 12/4/2010)

wedding slides - still searching..

will keeep on updating from time to time..
know each other : Ramadhan 2006
got serious : 21 November 2006
love blossom : 22 December 2006
Engagement : 21 December 2008
Solemnization : 16 July 2010 (Tentatively, InshaAllah)
Wedding Reception : 17 July 2010
Back to reality : 18 July 2010
Ya Allah,

Sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadamu..
semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan..
semoga segala masalah dapat diselesaikan..
semoga segala rezeki yang halal tidak terputus..
semoga segala kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat berkekalan..
semoga segala musibah dijauhkan..
semoga iman ku dan seluruh ahli keluarga ku ditetapkan..

Amin ya Rabbal 'alamin..
Hello people!!

I'm a bit relieved now, even not 100%. This is because, last Saturday, after finished my weekend "remand duty", my fiance and me went to the Gardens for shopping (untuk barang hantaran nnt..kan still not settled!). We have managed to buy watch for zali, fragrance set for both of us and a few make-ups for me. Actually we want to buy more; baju, seluar, kasut etc, but because of the time constraint (zali got something to do), plus the crowds yang memeningkan kepala kami, we decided to go home je and continue shopping next weekend (InshaAllah). So, our next shopping apa nak cari eh..hermmmm...Best jugak shopping sikit2 ni, so that every weeknd boleh jalan2 at shopping mall!! I likeeeeee..especially shopping with the 'love' one.. *wink wink*

to da loo...
Hello people..

Hoorahh!! tadi dah try my dress for nikah..and sangattttt berpuas hati..just need a 'final touch' here and there to make the dress looks outstanding! tak sabar nak tunggu siap sepenuhnya, plus the selendang...eee cant hardly waittt, tqvm to Keyra Mansor!! (p.s: tuan punya baju tak lawa, so nak cover ketaklawaan, kenalah pakai baju lawa sikit..hihihi)

to da loo...
I want a LONG LASTING marriage...
I want a STABILITY in life...

So i NEED a HUSBAND that can provide and give me and our family all the above and be a GREAT LEADER to us, so that he can lead us TO THE RIGHT PATH in order to achieve a SUCCESSFUL life in this WORLD and in the HEREAFTER...And hope HE IS the one..InshaAllahhh..Aminnnn... :)

to da loo...
Hello people!!

Jom review what have been done so far and start RISAU on what have not...

Kursus Kawen : done! (Zura's Akademik)
Daftar Kawen : May nnt baru 'bergerak'..
Wedding bands : settled
Wedding Favors : already ordered and some dah beli
Photographer : confirmed Arif (deposit to be paid,remember!!)
Wedding dresses : for reception 15 May fitting and baju nikah dah siap cuma nak cari selendang
Accessories : tak fikir and tak cari lagi
Dais, deco and hand bouquets : Diyana Shukor (deposit paid)
Barang hantaran : incomplete!!! (Mayday! Mayday!)
HIV Test : May baru buat...
Guest List : in progress..
Catering : papa took care of it (tak sure dah booked ke belum, to remind papa)
Bridesmaid for reception : Sabrina my cousin, kain dah bagi..(TQVM dear)
Theme Color : White red black
Wedding songs : kena burn semula..
Invitation cards : May blh start cari..
Dewan for reception : already booked according to papa..
Make up artist : Ian Sham (deposit already paid)
Wedding Cake : tak cari lagi (Mayday! Mayday! start google whenever have time)
Henna : June baru cari..just a simple one..
Barang2 nak hias hantaran : tak beli lagi, June blh start cari..a week before nikah boleh buat..DIY
Songkok, Butang Baju Melayu and Sampin for Zali : to remind Zali!!

What else yer..hurmmm..byknya tak siap lagiiiiiii...phewww...feningggg feningggg...

to da loo..
Hola people!!

I just received an SMS from one of Keyra Mansor's partner, to inform me that, my dress for nikah dah siapppp!!! yeahooo..now, can't wait for Friday..sekarang, nak fikir for selendang nak mcm mana eh? hurmm...still hv time to think before friday..

to da loo...
Hi people!

Yesterday my 'in-laws' to-be (zali's parents and siblings) came to my house to meet my parents to discuss on our wedding. Alhamdulillah, the date for our 'big day' is already confirmed and fixed. Sblm ni mmg dah confirmed, cuma it's now fixed dengan 'official'nya. So anyone yang sudi nak datang our 'Reception' yang tak seberapa itu, can start to vacate your diary from now! remember 17th July 2010 ya..hihih

to da loo...
Assalamualaikum wbt people!!

Apa kata, sempena di hari  baik ini (yes, today is Friday), let's forget for a while or put aside semua cerita2 tentang my wedding preparations ni..tiba2 saya mendapat ilham secara random untuk membuat satu post di blog ini mengenai satu tajuk yang lebih Islamic yang dapat menbantu kita sedikit sebanyak bermuhasabah diri setelah kita banyak lalai dengan 'keseronokan' dunia..sesekali kena lah ada 'makanan rohani' lebih2 lagi hari jumaat(lunch hour pun lebih panjang dari hari2 biasa, ye tak?). Lagipun, lately saya banyak mendapat/mendengar/membaca pelbagai berita mengenai 'musibah'. I may not be a right person to talk about this, what more to advice others. Sekadar nak berkongsi pendapat, mana tau post saya ni dapat membantu readers yg tgh problem skrg ni mendapat semangat baru and berhenti bersedih. walau pun saya akui me, myself I'm not strong enough to face any 'musibah' if it happens to me. Na'uzubillah. Confirm saya akan jadi 'mental' secara on and off ('mental on and off tu mcm ni, kalau saya teringat kata2 semangat saya akan tabah, tapi klu 'ubat' dah habis or kata2 semangat hilang, mulalah nak 'hangin' satu badan sbb tension fikir masalah. Itu klu sayalah dilanda musibah. Anda bagaimana?hihihi) Tetapi, klu perkara dah berlaku, kita terpaksa juga hadapi dengan tabah kerana kita tiada kuasa untuk 'rewind' kepada masa lalu. Apa yang perlu kita lakukan sekiranya berlaku sesuatu musibah adalah, fikirkan jalan penyelesaian, usaha dan berdoa.

Tak silap saya, saya pernah mendapat forward messages dari one of my friends yang berbunyi lebih kurang mcm ni (setelah diedit oleh saya sendiri):
saya telah berdoa kepada Allah supaya diberikan seekor rama-rama, tetapi Allah telah memberikan saya seekor ulat bulu. Saya sedih, walau bagaimanapun, saya masih menjaga ulat bulu tersebut. Beberapa hari selepas itu, ulat bulu tersebut telah bertukar menjadi seekor rama-rama yang sangat indah. Dan saya sangat gembira.
Sebenarnya saya dah lupa ayat yang sebenarnya, so saya rephrase dia punya gist mengikut ayat saya sendiri. sorrilah klu 'kata-kata' di atas tak berjaya 'menyentuh' dan memberikan kesedaran kepada readers. Tapi pada pendapat saya, mesej di atas itu sebenarnya hendak memberitahu kita bahawa setiap kejadian yang berlaku dalam dunia ini, khususnya yang berlaku pada diri kita, ada hikmah disebaliknya. Jadi kita tak perlu lah bersedih bagai nak rak, frust menong*ng, or jadi gila sekejap sebab tak tahan dengan segala dugaan or ujian yang Allah berikan. Apa yang kita perlu buat adalah bersabar, berdoa kepada Allah supaya Allah memberikan kita kekuatan dan petunjuk kepada satu jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik dalam menghadapi ujian or dugaan tersebut. Dan jangan lupa untuk berusaha.

Sebagai contoh, sekiranya kita pernah kehilangan sesuatu barang yang sangat berharga, mungkin kerana satu hari nanti Allah akan menggantikan barang yang lebih baik buat kita. Begitu juga, sekiranya kita kekurangan wang atau hilang pekerjaan, mungkin pada satu masa Allah akan mengurniakan kita dengan rezeki yang melimpah ruah. Allah SWT mungkin ingin menguji kita dahulu dengan pelbagai ujian dan cabaran yang mungkin perit, tetapi akhirnya melimpahkan kita dengan kegembiraan dan rezeki setelah kita puas berusaha dan berdoa kepadaNYA. Sesungguhnya, Allah SWT amat menyayangi hamba2NYA dan Maha Adil.

Macam kata-kata di atas tersebut, kita mungkin tak dapat apa yang kita minta serta merta, tetapi Allah memberikan kita sesuatu yang memberikan kita 'jalan' bagi mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan. Sesuatu benda yang kita inginkan yang kita dapat hasil dari usaha dan doa, lebih bermakna dari sesuatu yang kita dapat tanpa usaha dan doa. Betul tak?

Oleh yang demikian, setiap musibah yang kita terima hendaklah kita anggap sebagai ujian Allah yang mengajar kita erti kesabaran dan merapatkan diri kita kepadaNYA. Musibah tidak selama-lamanya pahit, kemanisannya akan kita kecapi sekiranya kita bersabar dan berdoa kepada Allah SWT. Jadi, renung2kan dan selamat beramal (pinjam tagline ustaz kat HOT FM)  >;)

to da loo...
Hi people..

I've planned to give a surprise gift to my friends who come on my wedding reception nanti, InshaAllah..doesnt it sounds coolll?? hihih but it still depends on my budget, hopefully i tak overspent, so that ada budget lebih itu bolehlah merealisasikan my plan ni..what is the gift would be? just wait and see..it's a secret..nnt tak surprise pulakkk..hihi my fiance zali, has willingly to help me on this 'project'..mmg i really need zali's help because if not i couldnt make it on my own..hope my friends will love the gift yang tak seberapa tu..and i nak mintak maaf in advance, kalau2 ada my friends yang tak dapat hadiah tu walaupun dah dtg sbb it's very limited my dear..first come first serve basis..hihihi

At the moment, my so-called 'project' tu dah 40% completed..zali n me need to do some survey on prices and so on..hopefully, jdlah my plan tu..huhu

to da loo...

Hi people..

Look at the picture posted above..isn't that sweeeeeeet? Since i am yet to update on my wedding preparations, let's discuss on something more serious and academics (cewahhh)..The responsibilities after marriage..If we ask g2b, what is their responsibilities as a husband? The answer would be, menyediakan nafkah zahir dan batin. Then we ask further, what do they mean by nafkah zahir? Jawapan yang cukup cemerlang akan diberikan seperti, menyediakan makan, minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal. What about nafkah batin? what is that? part ni confirm malu nak jwb!! sebab apa? sbb confirm in their mind they only think about SEX!! That is the only answer thay inherited dari tah sapa2 since time of immemorial..From my point of view, if that is the only answer they have, please think again to get married or, pi lah menuntut ilmu yg sepatutnya cukup2, dah lulus dgn cemerlang baru kawen..To me, nafkah batin is not everything about SEX and SEX is not solely nafkah batin..SEX is only a quarter from nafkah batin..maksud nafkah batin ni sepatutnya lebih luas..Jadi jawapan sex adalah nafkah batin merupakan jawapan yang tidak lengkap, it has to be elaborated further. Perkataan batin lebih kepada konsep kejiwaan atau rohani..we can say, jiwa atau rohani seseorang isteri itu perlulah dididik dengan ketakwaan, keimanan supaya sentiasa ke arah kebaikan..barulah rumah tangga harmoni kerana foundation agama kuat, InshaAllah..

Tp, who me to talk about Tanggungjawab kan..sekadar nak share pendapat je, just my 2cents opinion..I am nobody and nobody is perfect..my post ni actually agak berat sebelah sbb only discussed about husband responsibilities je..what about tanggungjawab isteri pulak? huhuhu will try to post on that issue later sbb takde idea nak 'menggoreng' dah...hihih sungguh bias yet mendiskriminasi 'endangered species (LELAKI) post ku ini..>;p

to da loo...
Hi people..

I need you to do me a favour, STOP ASKING ME HOW MUCH IS MY WANG HANTARAN? is it a problem to you for not knowing how much hantaran i'm gonna get from my future husband? I'm nobody, so i dun deserve much. Enough said. Furthermore, I think it would be more appropriate, if this is discussed and make known among family jer. Betul tak?

Therefore, if you ask something that i feel reluctant to answer and keep on giving thousands of excuses(sendiri mau ingat lah kan), oh, that's a hint, so pls stop and lets change the topic. Kalau tanya sbb nak memberi pendapat, yes, i have no problem with that. Tp mmg tak berkenan dgn soalan2 yang berbaur QAYPOCHI ni..from the way u ask, i can tell..

sorry if this post 'tersasar dr matlamat'. But, to all B2B, this is another FAQ that you will have to face. Ada yg suka org tanya, ada yg tak suka org tanya and ade jugak yg tak kisah klu org tanya. It depends. But for me, it totally irritating. Bila cakap 'saya nak kawen'. Mesti adeeeeee je soalan 'oh yeke, brp hantaran?'..Oh pleaseeee, perlu ke?

to da loo...
Hola people..

It seems like no update regarding my wedding preparations at the moment..both of us need 'cooling period' before continue to 'broke' the pockets down! huhuhuh
Banyak lagi nak beli niiiiiiiiii..waaaaa!!! and the time is running tick tock tick tock!!! but i've just bought new shoes which has nothing to do with wedding..hihihi tetibe je masuk Clarks, nmpk this one pair of shoes yg to me cun lah..terus je beli even though i hv to order and wait for 2 days sbb my size out of stock..tp bila dah beli mcm menyesal n wondering how come i can bought this shoes? hermm..takpe lah..pakai je lah..huhuhu

to da loo...

Hola peopleee!!

Yesterday, after came back from my office, (after maghrib mcm tu), papa mama and me went to Alamanda, Putrajaya..saja jalan2, besides papa nak collect his baju melayu at Omar Ali..then we all jalan-jalan and while i was at Clarks looking for 'kasut keje', mama saja masuk dkt Lovely Lace saja tengok2..after saya bayar for my kasut, i headed to Lovely Lace looking for mama..(papa masa tu hilang tah mana, kat MPH kot)..dkt Lovely Lace ada byk baju for kanak-kanak yg sgt sesuai utk wedding, lebih2 lagi kalau untuk yg jadi Flower girls/boys..cuteeee sgt2...

Mmg tunjuk to me this one dress in black, mama ckp boleh beli nnt untuk anak kak nana and kak jaja (both my sisters tu twin, and both of them are expecting mommies, maybe due somewhere in June kot)..suddenly the salesgirl approached us:

SG: kakak nak cari dress untuk baby umur berapa?
Mama: yang ni (sambil tunjuk black velvet dress) untuk umur berapa?
SG: yg tu tgk size, boleh untuk setahun jugak..
Mama: oooo setahun..
SG: kakak cari untuk baby brapa umur? (tanya buat kali keduanya)
Mama: actually baby tu belum lahir lagi (hihihihi), saja survey dulu sbb we all ada wedding July ni, and the babies bakal lahir JUNE (maknanya, by the time i kawen, my bakal 'nieces' tu baru sebulan lebih..huhuhuh!!)
SG: (sambil senyum) oooo..kecik lagi mcm takde..yg lain semua untuk 6 bulan ke atas..
Mama: tulah, susah nak cari sbb kecil lagi..ok lah, tqvm ye..
SG: ok, takpe kak..
Me: (huhuhuhuhu sambil keluar dr lovely lace dgn mama)

Punyalah excited nak carikn dress for my bakal nieces yang bakal lahir June ni (inshaallah)..hihihi Untuk my nephew Dzarif, mama managed to buy one for him untuk reception nnt at Marks & spencer..punyalah dia yg paling mengikut tema White red black..jgn Dzarif overshadow pengantin dah..hihihi Tp baju kanak-kanak nowadays mmg cuteeeeee sgt....gerammmmm je..rase nak belii!!! hihihihi

Nampaknya, kenalah tunggu sampai baby lahir baru boleh cari baju for them..nnt klu terkecik sgt or terbesar sgt susah pulak..senang2 beli 'swaddle' je yang menikut tema, dah nama pun baby kecik lagi!! hihihih

Cuba tgk pictures kat bawah ni..adorable kan? >;)

to da loo...
Hola peopleee..!!

Hermm..i can't hardly wait for my wedding dress siap..mcm manalah rupa my wedding dress tu nanti kan..hihih but i trust Rizman Ruzaini..why i choose them? sebab they are Dato' Ct's favourite designers..look at semua outfit yg Dato CT pakai, semua cantekkkkk sangat2!! plus, since Dato Ct pun bertudung, so i believe Rizaman Ruzaini mesti dah biasa dgn design2 utk org bertudung ni..

So one day tu, i fixed an appointment with them..so, my fiance, my mum and me pergilah dkt 'boutique' dia..he was (i mean rizman) soooo peramah,very understanding and looks so profesional..
i pun cakap lah my theme color nnt..and the conversation between us were as below (setelah diedit):

Me: okay, for my wedding nnt, theme color will be red, black n white..i nak concept ala arabian..so here i ade a few designs of abaya n kaftan for your reference mcm mana dress yg i nak..(bg pen drive kat RR and dia tgk a feww gmbr)
RR: oh ok i faham. basically it would be a dress kan..so u nak ur dress in black ke?
Me: if merah ok tak?
RR: merah ok..then the detailings will be in black..and if ade batu2 i guna white..
Me: ok pastu kan, my fiance ni soooooooo particular about aurah..tak boleh ketat sgt lah, jgn nampak shape, tudung mesti tutup dada, tak boleh jarang2..very the islamic lah..(masa ni my fiance malu n cuba menafikan kebenaran!hihihi) Pastu, since my figure ni small n skinny, klu boleh nak avoid kain yg menampakkan shape e.g. chiffon. sbb chiffon mcm lembut n jatuh, nnt nmpk too skinny sgt.
RR: oh ok, takpe2 i faham..
(then RR pun sketch a design according to my instructions..he sketched it there and then..i am sooo impressed..hihi dah nama pun designer kan, hari2 melukis baju..)
RR: ok, secara kasarnya, the wedding dress would be like this (sambil menunjukkan lakaran baju)..
Me: ok nice..what about the material u going to use?
RR: ok, since tak nak nmpk kan sgt u kurus, dress ni akan guna kain yg layered..ade lace, nett and duchess..duchess ni memberikan flow yg cantek..u buat kat dewan or rumah?
Me: dewan..
RR: ok klu kat dewan i bg panjang sikit train dia..material dun worry, i will mix and match kan mengikut your budget..ok?
Me: ok sangatttt (overreacted)
RR: ok utk tudung u nak pakai tudung bawal or ariani? then if ariani i akan buatkan detailings kat tudung tu..pastu akan ade veil..itu wajib ada...
Me: tudung ariani should be no problem..
RR: ok settled..
(then he ambil my ukuran)
RR: memangggg kurusss...
Me: (gelak je, dalam hati bengang gak kurus2 ni)

Settel bab baju kawenku, then i try tanya for my fiance pulak..actually tak bajet pun zali's suit nak buat kat RR jugak..tp bila fikir2 mcm lagi senang and tak pyh nak fikir2 tempat lain, we decided buat jugak Narrow Suit for zali dgn RR..RR pun sketched kan narrow suit utk zali that would be in black..tp ukuran 15/5 nnt baru ambil..kononnya dr ghazali kite ni nak diet..so nntkan sejauh mana dia akan berdiet..hihihihi

to da looo!!

(P/s: pictures taken from rizmanruzaini.blogspot.com and from google images)

Now, let's talk about 'girl's best friend'!! tapi secara spesifik nya-Wedding ring..everyone of us mesti ada the so-called 'the dream wedding ring'..well, the trend nowadays, people will definitely go for white gold or platinum..as for me, being so conservative type of person, still pilih the yellow gold...barulah mcm ala-ala classic kan..even yellow gold sekarang tak 'in' (bak kata muda mudi sekarang)..hihih tak kisah lah klu yellow gold tu soooo 'makcik-makcik' pun, i still pilih yellow gold for my wedding ring..

Tp mmg betullah yellow gold mmg tak 'in' sgt skrg ni..sebab from Habib Jewels to Poh Kong, from Poh Kong to Wah Chan and bla bla, design for yellow gold with diamond mmg sgt lah limited..sikittt je..tak byk choices...DeGem,Chopard,MyDiamond dan sewaktu dgnnya tu jgn ckp lah, langsung menganaktirikan yellow gold..mmg blm masuk pun dah tau takkan ada yellow gold..

Survey punya survey, pusing punya pusing berminggu2, at last masuk Tomei Pavillion..barulahhhh dapat tgk design yellow gold with diamond yang variety..bila dah variety, 2nd problem arose was, tak tau nak pilih yg mana satu..rambang mata babe..susah tau nak pilih! bila berkenan je, mesti takde siza, nak resize pulak takleh sbb risky..since ring yg i pilih tu diamond dia tertanam kat dalam, so klu resize byk sgt takut nnt batu dia terkeluar..so kena lah cr diamond terkeluar..hihiih Solitaire mcm dah common sgt..semua org nak solitaire..so boringggg (to me lah..)

Hola peopleee!!

Belek punya belek each n every rings yg ada, finally, terjumpalah satu yg to me agak cun and agak latest design..ala ala solitaire but lain sikit..concept je sama..cewahh..so now im happyyy!! benda yg paling penting dah beli n settled...

After i got mine, we all (i mean my mum, my fiance, my sister n me) pi lah mencari ring for my fiance..since lelaki tak blh nak pakai gold even white gold, so we avoid to buy one for him..so we headed to Tiffany & Co..belek punya belek, jumpa lah satu men's ring ni yg agak simple n plain just like what we were looking for, yet affordable...nasib baik size ade (almaklumlah, my fiance punya jari size xxxxxxxxxllll) hehehe..so, in one day we all managed to settle bab cincin..

then, we went home happily!! huhuhuhu (shopping bawak small size paperbags, tp my fiance n me sekelip mata 'broke'..hihihih). Kalau tak 'broke', maknanya anda tak kaweeenn (sila baca dalam nada iklan org misteri ERA)..huhuhu

To da looo!!

BUDGET! the important KEYWORD that should be given priority before you plan for your wedding. The FAQ, What is your budget? Apa-apa benda yang kita nak beli untuk persediaan kawen, mestilah dimulakan dgn "berapa bajet?" (selain dr dimulakan dgn 'Bismillah', that's for sure lah ;p ).. kalau takde bajet,takut kita overspend kat something yang tak berapa nak penting, bila time nak beli benda penting, bajet lari or duit tak cukup pulak..this situation always happen to me..ngehehe...Setiap kali nak share story pasal wedding preparations ni dengan sesiapa sahaja, soalan yang wajib kena tanya and RAMAIIIIII yang tanya mesti, sebagai contoh:

Q: eh berapa eh u buat ___ dkt ____?mahal tak?
A: ikut my bajet lah.
Q: berapa bajet u? or berapa kena bajet?
A: Alah, berapa yg termampu je. material yg diorg guna, they will suit to our budget.
Q: alahhh..bgtaulah berapa bajet u..nnt klu i nak kawen nnt senang, boleh bajet.
A: (dalam hati - $%^&*#@)

Alasan 'nnt klu i nak kawen nnt senang, boleh bajet' is totally a crap. itu alasan nak cover supaya 'qaypochi' tak obvious sgt..hello dear, dah nama pun ikut bajet sendiri, so mana boleh bajet sama2 dengan orang, ye tak? Klu rasa nak buat grand, mestilah bajet lagi besar, and klu nak buat simple, bajet mestilah agak kecil..for example, if you think u can only afford a wedding dress worth 1k, so 1k is your budget for your wedding dress..as simple as that..designers mesti boleh buat baju according to your budget sbb diorg ni pandai mix n match and setiap kain ada grade..klu bajet byk,lg tinggilah grade yg diorg guna, klu murah sikit, grade yg diorg guna pun kurang sikit..but still, the end-result would be SUPERB!

So my budget for my wedding ni, sekadar yang termampu je..dah nama pun gomen servant kan..berapa sangatlah duit ada..yang mana boleh cut cost,kite kasi cut sama dia..hihihi bajet ciput tak bermaksud we cannot achieve a purrrfect wedding, ye tak? so renung2 kan..and selamat ber'bajet to all b2b!!

to da loo...
Roughly it's 4 months to go..but our 'barang hantaran' still incomplete..baru beli my handbag and make up je, boleh takkk? Tension bila terfikir...nak beli baju, seluar etc ada je alasan, nak diet lah, tak berkenanlah, takde yg ikut theme color lah..but i think, this weekend must buy something, baru lah AURA nak kawen tu 'datang' semula..hihih frankly speaking, bila settle booking membooking apa yg perlu, terus rase cam, 'alah yg lain2 tu hold dululah, malas nak fikir'..tapi bila terfikir, mulalah cam risauuuuuu sesangat..semua benda kita yg nak kena ingat n fikir...as if, i'm the one yg tergedik2 nak kawen..lelaki mmg mcm tu kot? semua setujuuuuu je..tak langsung impressed us with creative ideas...alasan 'alah, klu bg idea nnt, last2 ikut idea you jugak, so better setujuuu je nak buat mcm mana pun ikut lah'..hihii (yeahhh right...) Kalau dah idea yg bukan2 n mmg crap habis, mmglah tak leh nak ikutkan? Idea mengarut tu satu hal, tp so far satu idea pun tak pernah nak bagi tu apa kes? Tak bg idea, mcm mana kita nak setuju, ye tak? So wahai groom-2-be (g2b), silalah cooperate with your future wifey; impressed them with your ideas and keterujaan prepare for the wedding (tp jgn lah over pulak), and paling penting, follow up with your future wife, how's the preparation goes so far..sbb biasenya bride-2-be (b2b) ni, selalu buat checklists..and the checklist tu selalu berubah2 and semakin bertambah (macam saya punya checklist lah tu..hihihi)..mana taknya, mesti ada je yg ter'overlooked' and missed here and there..haihhh..susahnya nak kawen...

to da loo!!

Hi peoplee..

Tadi owner of Keyra Mansor came to my office. We all discuss about my dress untuk nikah nanti. So td pun untuk ambil ukuran. For nikah, saya pilih dress kaler light grey and zali akan pakai baju melayu warna kelabu. Mula-mula nak pilih off white, tp setelah mengambil kira beberapa perkara yang tak perlu lah nak reveal kat sini, we choose (actually I yang choose, not zali..huhu) grey untuk kaler baju nikah kitorg.. Zali punya kain dah beli, just tunggu untuk hntar tempah je..tailor untuk jahit baju melayu cekak musang rasanya takde masalah..so, lambat-lambat pun takpe kot.

For my wedding dress, i serahkan semuanya kat Keyra Mansor. They will buy kain for me and jahit terus. Bukan apa, saya ni mmg takpandai sangat nak beli-beli kain ni, klu biasa2 tu boleh lah..so they already bought kain chiffon for me and satin silk for the lining..design dah ada, cuma tukar sikit2 je..design i dapat dari www.al-hijaab.com..so siapa yang berminat boleh jugak tempah online dari website tu..
mula mula mmg nak tempah online je, tp mcm nak tukar2 sikit here and there, so better tempah sendiri je..roughly the idea for my nikah dress originated from this jilbab(refer to the picture ive posted here-credit to www.al-hijaab.com)..it will be in light grey with detailings dekat sleeves and design pun tukar2 sikit to suit my citarasa..

to da loo...

Hi peoplee..

Hermmm..almost 5 months more to go until our wedding day..so far preparation baru 45%kot..punyalah leka googling all the potential vendors that offer affordable services for wedding yet memuaskan..almaklumlah, bajet ciput tapi selera besar..hihii dah nama pun once in a lifetime kan (insyaAllah)..klu lelaki tu lainlah, diorg ada 3 kali chances nak kawen (but this is not applicable to my future husband yer, it's a warning ok..or else @*&%#). Jenuh jugak dok men'call2 the so-called potential vendors ni..walaupun lagi 5 bulan, tp most of them dah fully booked. For make up artist and designers, we have to booked them early..diorg ni mcm 'goreng pisang' panas..very the laku..so after a few 'hide&seek' game, i managed to get a make up artist n fashion designer for my wedding dress..deposit already paid..

Let me list down my check list..apa yang dah booked, apa yg dah tempah..

1) Make up artist for both solemnization day and reception - The Magical Touch of Ian Sham (deposit paid)
2) Dress for Nikah - Keyra Mansor (deposit paid)
3) Wedding dress during reception- Rizman Ruzaini (deposit paid and fitting 15/5/10 ni..arghh tak sabarnyaa!!)
4) Photographer - Arif (still waiting for the quotation)
5) Mini dais for Nikah - Diyana Shukor
6) Deco during Nikah - Diyana Shukor
7) Hand bouquets for nikah and reception - Diyana Shukor
8) Dewan for reception - papa taking care of it. Already booked.
9) Door gifts/favors - mama taking care of it. Some already bought and the rest already ordered.
10) Wedding ring both for me and Zali - already bought at Pavillion
11) Hantarans - baru beli handbag and make ups je..hihihi yang lain2 on the way..

And the list goes on and on...Hurmmm..for the time being, ni je yang dah buat..byk lagi benda2 nak settle..Legal documents from Religious Office (JAIS) maybe April onwards baru boleh start, plus HIV test..Haih, susah jugak nak kawen ni, byk benda kena fikir..dari sebesar2 benda, sampai lah sekecil2nya..ada je yg overlooked..ada je yg melarikan bajet agaknya nanti..just wait n see...susah nak achieve purrrrfectt weddingg..mesti ada je yang 'slack'..hopefully my wedding will be a great one to me and zali..walaupun simple and berbudget rendah, but still suwitttttt...hihihi

to da looo...

Hola peopleee!!

Well, my favourite color mulanya is brown..and dari dulu plan, if i want to get married, my theme color mesti BROWN. That was a few years back. But as the time goes on, ramai pulak org yg pilih BROWN as their theme color during their wedding. So mcm fikir, 'alahhhh..diorg ni tiruuuuu'..tp apahal lah pulak kan, dah sah2 lah diorg tu kawen awal dr saya kan..so tiru2 ni, no such thing..hihihi

pastu pikir, hermm nak kaler apa lagi yer, hijau, purple, biru ni dah common sgt..mcm my 1st sister dulu, her theme color were apple green + off white and my 2nd sister pulak lavender purple + apple green..pernah jugak terfikir nak kekal kan apple green tu and since i suka brown, why not my theme color brown+apple green..tp, dah mcm pokok lah pulak..hihih

pikir punya pikir, finally, i've decided to choose the combination of White,Black and Red..and to me each colors brings its own meaning..WHITE represent my fiance (Muhd Ghazali), RED represents our love (hihihi geli je) and BLACK is me..huhuhu

My fiance is WHITE sbb, since his career memerlukan dia pakai lab/white coat all the time (unless he is no longer a doctor), so dia Encik Putih lah..and since my career pulak needs me to wear BLACK blazer (unless im no longer a legal officer), so saya jd Cik Hitam..hihihihi Ada ke macam tu? peduli apa kan..janji HAPPYYYY!!! So, officially, our theme color for our wedding will be WHITE RED BLACK!!

To da loooo...

Hola peopleee!!


At last, i'm getting married. And we've decided the date. Insya Allah, will be on 16.7.2010 (for Nikah) and 17.7.2010 (the wedding reception). Setelah almost 2 years bertunang (saya lah yang bertunang paling lama sekali dr my sisters..hihihi). Nak buat macam mana kan, we can only plan, but Allah will do the rest. And this is my first posting in this 'kawinkawin' blog >;)..will try to keep on updating this blog from time to time whenever i can..so people, stay tune..